Its provenance says it all, the Arousa Estuary. From there you get the best mussel in the world, grown in "bateas", structures that respect the natural growth of mussels. To prepare them, they are fried just enough to give consistency and firmness before being packed one by one and accompanied by a soft pickle.
Pieces per can: 7/10
Can format: RO 120
Net weight: 110g
Drained weight: 70g
Design: Mexillón (2012)
Technique: latex and pigment on canvas
Size: 35 x 35 cm
Artist: Fernando Rei
Its provenance says it all, the Arousa Estuary. From there you get the best mussel in the world, grown in "bateas", structures that respect the natural growth of mussels. To prepare them, they are fried just enough to give consistency and firmness before being packed one by one and accompanied by a soft pickle.
Pieces per can: 7/10
Can format: RO 120
Net weight: 110g
Drained weight: 70g
Design: Mexillón (2012)
Technique: latex and pigment on canvas
Size: 35 x 35 cm
Artist: Fernando Rei
Its provenance says it all, the Arousa Estuary. From there you get the best mussel in the world, grown in "bateas", structures that respect the natural growth of mussels. To prepare them, they are fried just enough to give consistency and firmness before being packed one by one and accompanied by a soft pickle.
Pieces per can: 7/10
Can format: RO 120
Net weight: 110g
Drained weight: 70g
Design: Mexillón (2012)
Technique: latex and pigment on canvas
Size: 35 x 35 cm
Artist: Fernando Rei
Selection is our secret. Not all shell food, fish or liqueur is good enough when one aims to offer excellency. Ar de Arte chooses and offers the best can.
Hand canned preserved food, one by one, guarantee for a unique gastronomic experience.
Only a sensitive glance can translate emotion, quality and authenticity. Exclusive designs for Ar de Arte from Galician artists.