iO Youth EVOO+ 30ml
iO Youth EVOO+ contains nutritional values of polyphenols, vitamin E, oleic acid and linoleic acid above the EVOO and EFSA average.
Ready to eat. Ideal way of consumption is raw, because once it’s cooked some polyphenols may disappear.Certainly, it could be used for any raw recipe; however, the profitable method is drinking a spoon every day.
Dosage: The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 20 g of EVOO, according to EFSA (The European Food Safety Authority) recommendation; however, in iO Youth we could use lower dose: the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily dose of 9 g of EVOO, or: the effect beneficial is obtained with a daily dose of 10 ml of EVOO. iO Youth is the EVOO produced at Vianóleo fields with the higher content of polyphenols, so that a lower dose gets greater benefits.
iO Youth EVOO+ is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained by cold extraction, from olives of specific varieties and precise areas into the Vianoleo's olive groves, picked up carefully and taking this same approach for milling, what makes Evoo keeps its high values on polyphenols, vitamin E and fatty acids -linoleic and oleic acid-. That provides extremely healthy properties, even underlined over noticeable usual values on Extra Virgin Olive Oils.
iO Youth EVOO+ contains nutritional values of polyphenols, vitamin E, oleic acid and linoleic acid above the EVOO and EFSA average.
Ready to eat. Ideal way of consumption is raw, because once it’s cooked some polyphenols may disappear.Certainly, it could be used for any raw recipe; however, the profitable method is drinking a spoon every day.
Dosage: The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 20 g of EVOO, according to EFSA (The European Food Safety Authority) recommendation; however, in iO Youth we could use lower dose: the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily dose of 9 g of EVOO, or: the effect beneficial is obtained with a daily dose of 10 ml of EVOO. iO Youth is the EVOO produced at Vianóleo fields with the higher content of polyphenols, so that a lower dose gets greater benefits.
iO Youth EVOO+ is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained by cold extraction, from olives of specific varieties and precise areas into the Vianoleo's olive groves, picked up carefully and taking this same approach for milling, what makes Evoo keeps its high values on polyphenols, vitamin E and fatty acids -linoleic and oleic acid-. That provides extremely healthy properties, even underlined over noticeable usual values on Extra Virgin Olive Oils.
iO Youth EVOO+ contains nutritional values of polyphenols, vitamin E, oleic acid and linoleic acid above the EVOO and EFSA average.
Ready to eat. Ideal way of consumption is raw, because once it’s cooked some polyphenols may disappear.Certainly, it could be used for any raw recipe; however, the profitable method is drinking a spoon every day.
Dosage: The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 20 g of EVOO, according to EFSA (The European Food Safety Authority) recommendation; however, in iO Youth we could use lower dose: the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily dose of 9 g of EVOO, or: the effect beneficial is obtained with a daily dose of 10 ml of EVOO. iO Youth is the EVOO produced at Vianóleo fields with the higher content of polyphenols, so that a lower dose gets greater benefits.
iO Youth EVOO+ is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained by cold extraction, from olives of specific varieties and precise areas into the Vianoleo's olive groves, picked up carefully and taking this same approach for milling, what makes Evoo keeps its high values on polyphenols, vitamin E and fatty acids -linoleic and oleic acid-. That provides extremely healthy properties, even underlined over noticeable usual values on Extra Virgin Olive Oils.